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What are India’s Assets, Threats, and Growth Drivers?

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भारत के संसाधन, चुनौतयाँ और वृद्धि के क्या प्रचालक (Drivers) हैं?

What are India’s Assets, Threats, and Growth Drivers

Posted in IAS/PCS Topic

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  1. Abhishek Sharma

    Give your answers with multidimensional approach…after you submit your answer in comment will be approved by admin and published

  2. Yamini Sharma

    Being the 2nd largest country by population and the 7th largest by area, India is blessed with certain assets and has to face certain challenges.
    Assets: – Demographic dividend (India has majority of young population which is beneficial for its growth)
    – Richness in natural resources like coal, jute, thorium,etc.
    – India is covered by the ocean on 3 sides which could strengthen blue economy of the country.
    – India’s cordial relations with its neighboring countries and other far countries as well.
    – Flourished service sector of the country.
    – Our culture and heritage which is helpful in boosting the tourism sector.
    Challenges: – Strategic location that is a threat to internal security of india.
    – Social inequalities in terms of gender, caste, region, religion, etc.
    – Poverty and unemployment.
    – Being a developing nation,India somewhere lags behind in technology.
    – Corruption.
    Thus if we use our assets in the right direction, they would act as key growth drivers of the developing economy of India.

    • Tanu Chauhan

      As India is a developing country, it shows development in all sectors and as well as challenges. Assets of India are – * Mineral resources – As coal , iron ore , manganese,mica are some largest reserves in the world .
      * Trading – As india shows good influence in trading sector and as well as with other countries.
      * Fishing in india an important natural resource for industrial employment as it ranks third in fisheries production .
      * Technology- Being a developing country , india gains a bright future in science and technology.
      * Internal security- i.e. to maintain low and order .
      * Increasing Population – that needs more economy and resources.
      * Corruption
      *Poverty and unemployment.
      *Religious clashes and social discrimination.
      Thus, assets can influence the growth and development of India, if we conserve and use them in right way .

    • Bhavya Yadav

      As India is world’s 7th largest country in the world, which is having a very good physiography and rich biodiversity and also world’s 2nd largest population to work. All these features blessed India with certain assets as –
      – longest constitution
      – Peninsular region – as it is helpful in trade across the countries as well as in exchange of cultures between countries.
      -Natural resources- richness in it makes India self dependent in energy production.
      -Unity in diversity
      – Large population to work
      -Strong army
      – Good rainfall
      Despite having these assets, India is facing some challenges like –
      – Internal security because of the peninsula in the south and himalayas in the north
      – Poverty
      – Unemployment
      – Communal riots
      – Illiteracy
      – Natural disasters in the south
      – Patriarchal society
      Inspite of having challenges, India is growing with the help of –
      – Tourism
      – Natural resources
      – Blue economy
      – Aware youth
      – Developing science and technology
      As India is still a developing country, it is trying it’s very best to be in developed nations, which is not far so. Inspite of these challenges, India is still growing very well and also get recognition at international level as a nation of “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”.

  3. Vanshika gupta

    भारत विश्व के शक्तिशाली सैन्य बलों में से एक हैं तथा भारत विश्व में 3 स्थान पर आता है। भारत के पास कुछ संसाधन और कुछ चुनौतियां हैं _
    संसाधन – भू- आकृति प्रदेशीकरण जैसे _ उत्तरी पर्वत (सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से), प्रायद्वीप पठार ( आर्थिक विकास), विशाल मैदान ( यहां से प्राप्त कंकड , पत्थर जिनसे अवसंरचना का निर्माण ), तट और
    द्वीप( समुंद्र द्वारा रेत का निर्माण ) ।
    _सुगम नदी तंत्र के द्वारा उपजाऊ भूमि में कृषि ।
    _ जैव विविधता ।
    _भारत का सबसे उत्तरी पर्वतीय हिमनद (सियाचिन )जो भारत के लिए सबसे महत्व रखता है सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से ।
    चुनौतियां_ भारत की तटीय सुरक्षा ( 7500 किलोमीटर लंबी द्वीपों सहित)
    _जनसंख्या घनत्व में वृद्धि परंतु विकास में कमी ।
    _ प्राकृतिक संसाधन जैसे_ कोयला , जूट, खनिज की प्रचुर मात्रा के कारण वहा पर औद्योगिक निर्माण के कारण पर्यावरण नुकसान ।
    _डिजिटल इण्डिया के बढ़ते साइबर सुरक्षा का बढ़ता खतरा ।
    यदि हम अपने संसाधनो के प्रति समझ को और विकसित करते है तो भारत का विकास, विकसित देशों के समान गति करने लगेगा ।

  4. Samantaka Bhattacharyya

    India with holding a 1.3 billion of population and being the world’s largest democracy has successfully marked its position globally . There are certain key factors are associated
    behind this position like-

    1.)India’s Democracy is its biggest strength. Supremacy of constitution prevails here. Every citizen of our country is trying to upheld the integrity and sovereignty of our nation
    and still continuing this process after the 75th year of independence , this makes our country so unique from others.

    2.)On the other side India’s Agriculture is one of the biggest asset of India, still 43% of people is based on Agriculture so almost half of the population is still contributing to our 18% national GDP

    3.)Apart from that India’s MSME Sector is India’s biggest asset , it produces 12 Cr of jobs and almost cover 90% of industries in India , contributes 30% Of GDP and 48% in export.

    4.)India is like a country where youth percentage is maximum in world (UN Report) which produces a stronger base for our country.

    5.) India with holding world 4th Strongest army in the world is undoubtedly is one of the precious asset

    6.)Apart from that INDIA’s old heritage and culture , monuments , various arts along with 40 UNESCO world heritage site makes our country culturally rich and.

    But there are certain challenges also associated with our country-

    1.) Still in INDIA only 35 million of people among 400 million of labor has at least one of their social security.
    India among the lower-middle income countries is spending 2.5% of their GDP for ensuring social security.

    2.)In INDIA still the problem of backward class exist after 75 year of independence we are not able to uplift them in spite of various concession , according to G Rohini Commission report
    only 25% OBC are enjoying the benefit of reservation , so its difficult for us to grow when a percentage of our population is still not out of deprivation

    3.)Regular conflict with neighbouring countries regarding many factors makes problem in various sector which ultimately hampers our growth.

    4.)Apart from that poverty , unemployment , Non-continuation of policies and corruption makes INDIA internally weaker.

    So, overcoming this challenges are not easy but making the people aware about their country can act as a key factor to transform INDIA to world’s strongest democracy from world’s biggest democracy.

  5. Anuj Singh Yadav

    India is one of the fastest growing economy in today world and it is aggressively moving towards achieving its goal of $5 trillion economy.
    India some assets helping in achieving this like
    Geography- India is 7th largest country in terms of area and have 7516 km coastal line which help india blue economy and connect with world more properly for Trade and services.
    Population- Now India world’s youngest country nearly 70% Indian between the age group of 16-50 which is most energetic period for development of India.
    Renewable energy power house- Now India leading the world in the area of renewable energy, india have goal to generate nearly it’s 50% from renewable resources till 2040.
    India is also launched International Solar Alliance for development of solar energy in the world.
    * Threats to India development-
    National security issue after Taliban coming in power in Afghanistan both external and internal.
    2. Not proper inclusive growth- Nearly 130 million people earn less than $2 according to world bank so due to this they away from basic needs.These people not properly contribute to nation development.
    3. Environment degradation- Due to degradation of natural resources in proper manner india nearly loss of it’s GDP more than 4% .
    Due this india not getting sustainable growth .
    4- cyber security issue- India is facing cyber security threat from China and other non state actor which work as hurdles in it’s growth.
    India is moving very smoothly towards development with some hurdles and near future we over come from these hurdles and become a super power in the world.

  6. Kartik singh

    India is considered one of the potential superpowers of the world.This potential is attributed to several indicators such as
    ASSETS :-
    * The primary ones being its demographic trends and a rapidly expanding economy and military
    * India lies in the South Asian portion of the Indian Ocean – a zone with unprecedented potential for growth in the scale of transoceanic commerce
    * Due to its high birth rate, India has a young population compared to more developed nations
    * India is the land of a different variety of religions and castes with its own features and attributes.
    THREATS :-
    * India is facing the worst water crisis in history. Nearly half the population is struggling with drought-like conditions.
    * Suicides, debt burden, falling prices of produce.India’s farm economy is in turmoil.
    * One in three formally trained youth were unemployed in india
    * Corruption
    * Illiteracy
    * Educational system needs improvement
    * Healthcare system needs to be improved
    * Pollution
    * Women safety

    India is still in its developing phase, on the way to becoming a developed nation. Our country is enthusiastically overcoming each and every challenge coming across its way


    India is the 7th largest country in terms of area and lie in south Asia bounded by Arabian sea in the southwest and bay of Bengal in southeast & has a world’s largest democracy.
    1 Agriculture-In all over the world ,food crises are widely facing by many countries .In India, agriculture sector beaten the pandemic. It is a shock absorber sector.
    2 Tourism-Tourism in India has significant potential considering the rich cultural and historical heritage and highly contributing in India’s foreign reserves.
    3 Himalayas-It acts as a natural barrier. If there were no Himalayas, our country would have been barren like the Thar Desert.
    4 Biodiversity- India has high biological diversity and contain many species exclusively indigenous or endemic .India is the only country where lion and tiger both found.
    5 Spices -Indian Spices are very popular across the world. We export spices from India to around 140 countries in the world.
    Despite all these assets India has some challenges too. Such as
    1 Lack of awareness about government polices among masses.
    2 No doubt there has been a lot of Poverty Alleviation Programs designed by government, but there is still a lot to be done.
    3 Inter state disputes can be seen widely. eg-river water dispute, linguistic dispute etc
    4 Patriarchy is a big concern a small example is generally we are using chairman instead of chairperson
    5 Easy & cheap accessible to the internet or gadgets among children is also creating some social concern as they become highly addicted .
    Despite all these challenges and some linguistic and socialistic differences ,India not only promotes but also shows at the international level that is UNITY IN DIVERSITY.

  8. Kunal singh

    India having 2nd largest population, largest growing economy and also largest democracy, there are some of the major key Assets :

    –  India having world’s youngest population with the influence of this we can built Human  resource capital.
    –  due to presence of india in tropic of cancer, India leading the International solar alliance(ISA)  ,the primary objective of the alliance is to work for efficient consumption of solar energy to reduce dependence.
    –  india having peninsular coast which gave better opportunity to develop trade based economy , it provide natural ports as well as artificial port which can help in trade.
    –  there is vast culture and heritage in india and also a very diverse country.
    –  india having the fourth most powerfull military as per the global firepower report.
    –  indian economy depends on 3 pillars :
    1) RBI.
    2) ministry of finance.
    3) stock market.
        According to report of bloomberg the indian stock market is the top performing equity market in the world .
    –  natural resources are also found like iron ore , manganese ore, mica, bauxite, chromite, natural gas, diamond, gold&silver, limestone, and thorium, etc.
    –  india is continously working on goal of 5 trillion economy.

    Challenges :
    –  Acc. To IPCC report the atmospheric CO2 concentrations were higher than at any time in at least 2 million years.
    Climate change impacts:
    ~intensifying water cycle, affecting rainfall, continued sea level, amplifying permafrost thawing, increased heating.
    –  due to the covid-19 pandemic their is a huge impact on india as well as global level ,
      It can push back india at several steps back for eg. – there is declining in education , declining in employment, etc.
    –  poverty is biggest challenge.
    –  As the current scenario we see USA as a declining superpower it can create harmfull consequences to india ,due to this china pushing himself to put on top of world in terms of power , if china succeed there is a biggest concern for india.
    –  As the taliban take over afghanistan there is also a threat to india’s internal security.
    –  india’s location is b/w Golden crescent and Golden triangle which is the world’s largest opium production area so it can be threat to india’s internal security.

    Growth drivers:
    –  tourism destination in north east and jammu & kashmir.
    –  india is working on create road network which help in connectivity .
    –  robotics, 3-D printing, AI, etc.
    India have potential overcome all the hurdles in its way , being a developing country india is trying its best to establish itself a welfare state.

    India having 2nd largest population, largest growing economy and also largest democracy,
    there are some of the major key Assets :

    –  India having world’s youngest population with the influence of this we can built Human  resource capital.
    –  due to presence of india in tropic of cancer, India leading the International solar alliance(ISA)  ,the primary objective of the alliance is to work for efficient consumption of solar energy to reduce dependence.
    –  india having peninsular coast which gave better opportunity to develop trade based economy , it provide natural ports as well as artificial port which can help in trade.
    –  there is vast culture and heritage in india and also a very diverse country.
    –  india having the fourth most powerfull military as per the global firepower report.
    –  indian economy depends on 3 pillars :
    1) RBI.
    2) ministry of finance.
    3) stock market.
        According to report of bloomberg the indian stock market is the top performing equity market in the world .
    –  natural resources are also found like iron ore , manganese ore, mica, bauxite, chromite, natural gas, diamond, gold&silver, limestone, and thorium, etc.
    –  india is continously working on goal of 5 trillion economy.

    Challenges :
    –  Acc. To IPCC report the atmospheric CO2 concentrations were higher than at any time in at least 2 million years.
    Climate change impacts:
    ~intensifying water cycle, affecting rainfall, continued sea level, amplifying permafrost thawing, increased heating.
    –  due to the covid-19 pandemic their is a huge impact on india as well as global level ,
      It can push back india at several steps back for eg. – there is declining in education , declining in employment, etc.
    –  poverty is biggest challenge.
    –  As the current scenario we see USA as a declining superpower it can create harmfull consequences to india ,due to this china pushing himself to put on top of world in terms of power , if china succeed there is a biggest concern for india.
    –  As the taliban take over afghanistan there is also a threat to india’s internal security.
    –  india’s location is b/w Golden crescent and Golden triangle which is the world’s largest opium production area so it can be threat to india’s internal security.

    Growth drivers:
    –  tourism destination in north east and jammu & kashmir.
    –  india is working on create road network which help in connectivity .
    –  robotics, 3-D printing, AI, etc.
    India have potential overcome all the hurdles in its way , being a developing country india is trying its best to establish itself a welfare state.

    India having 2nd largest population, largest growing economy and also largest democracy, there are some of the major key Assets :

    –  India having world’s youngest population with the influence of this we can built Human  resource capital.
    –  due to presence of india in tropic of cancer, India leading the International solar alliance(ISA)  ,the primary objective of the alliance is to work for efficient consumption of solar energy to reduce dependence.
    –  india having peninsular coast which gave better opportunity to develop trade based economy , it provide natural ports as well as artificial port which can help in trade.
    –  there is vast culture and heritage in india and also a very diverse country.
    –  india having the fourth most powerfull military as per the global firepower report.
    –  indian economy depends on 3 pillars :
    1) RBI.
    2) ministry of finance.
    3) stock market.
        According to report of bloomberg the indian stock market is the top performing equity market in the world .
    –  natural resources are also found like iron ore , manganese ore, mica, bauxite, chromite, natural gas, diamond, gold&silver, limestone, and thorium, etc.
    –  india is continously working on goal of 5 trillion economy.

    Challenges :
    –  Acc. To IPCC report the atmospheric CO2 concentrations were higher than at any time in at least 2 million years.
    Climate change impacts:
    ~intensifying water cycle, affecting rainfall, continued sea level, amplifying permafrost thawing, increased heating.
    –  due to the covid-19 pandemic their is a huge impact on india as well as global level ,
      It can push back india at several steps back for eg. – there is declining in education , declining in employment, etc.
    –  poverty is biggest challenge.
    –  As the current scenario we see USA as a declining superpower it can create harmfull consequences to india ,due to this china pushing himself to put on top of world in terms of power , if china succeed there is a biggest concern for india.
    –  As the taliban take over afghanistan there is also a threat to india’s internal security.
    –  india’s location is b/w Golden crescent and Golden triangle which is the world’s largest opium production area so it can be threat to india’s internal security.

    Growth drivers:
    –  tourism destination in north east and jammu & kashmir.
    –  india is working on create road network which help in connectivity .
    –  robotics, 3-D printing, AI, etc.
    India have potential overcome all the hurdles in its way , being a developing country india is trying its best to establish itself a welfare state.

  9. Kunal singh

    India having 2nd largest population, largest growing economy and also largest democracy, there are some of the major key Assets :

    –  India having world’s youngest population with the influence of this we can built Human  resource capital.
    –  due to presence of india in tropic of cancer, India leading the International solar alliance(ISA)  ,the primary objective of the alliance is to work for efficient consumption of solar energy to reduce dependence.
    –  india having peninsular coast which gave better opportunity to develop trade based economy , it provide natural ports as well as artificial port which can help in trade.
    –  there is vast culture and heritage in india and also a very diverse country.
    –  india having the fourth most powerfull military as per the global firepower report.
    –  indian economy depends on 3 pillars :
    1) RBI.
    2) ministry of finance.
    3) stock market.
        According to report of bloomberg the indian stock market is the top performing equity market in the world .
    –  natural resources are also found like iron ore , manganese ore, mica, bauxite, chromite, natural gas, diamond, gold&silver, limestone, and thorium, etc.
    –  india is continously working on goal of 5 trillion economy.

    Challenges :
    –  Acc. To IPCC report the atmospheric CO2 concentrations were higher than at any time in at least 2 million years.
    Climate change impacts:
    ~intensifying water cycle, affecting rainfall, continued sea level, amplifying permafrost thawing, increased heating.
    –  due to the covid-19 pandemic their is a huge impact on india as well as global level ,
      It can push back india at several steps back for eg. – there is declining in education , declining in employment, etc.
    –  poverty is biggest challenge.
    –  As the current scenario we see USA as a declining superpower it can create harmfull consequences to india ,due to this china pushing himself to put on top of world in terms of power , if china succeed there is a biggest concern for india.
    –  As the taliban take over afghanistan there is also a threat to india’s internal security.
    –  india’s location is b/w Golden crescent and Golden triangle which is the world’s largest opium production area so it can be threat to india’s internal security.

    Growth drivers:
    –  tourism destination in north east and jammu & kashmir.
    –  india is working on create road network which help in connectivity .
    –  robotics, 3-D printing, AI, etc.
    India have potential overcome all the hurdles in its way , being a developing country india is trying its best to establish itself a welfare state.

  10. Srishty Tyagi

    As India enters it’s 75th year of independence it clearly shows its emergence as a global power. Being the owner of such a huge population ( 2nd largest in the world ) , India is blessed with plenthora of assets and simultaneously has to face certain challenges too.

    #Unity in diversity
    #lengthiest constitution
    #strongest army in the world
    #great source of many natural resources like rubber,jute, copper etc.
    #cordial relationship with neighbouring countries
    #representation of India at global platform as being the part of SAARC, BRICS, BIMS-TEC etc. ( India is the host for recently held 13th summit of BRICS on 09 sept 2021)
    #blessed with majority of young population

    But, there are certain challenges too which India has to combat for surviving in the long run:
    #border disputes
    #imbalanced budget ( growing expenditure and less income)
    #religious conflicts
    #internal security
    #poverty and employment

    So, assets and challenges are a part of same transaction only, but the fact which should be kept in mind is that the overcoming of these challenges would lead India to a great height of success.

  11. Srishty Tyagi

    As India enters it’s 75th year of independence it clearly shows its emergence as a global power. Being the owner of such a huge population ( 2nd largest in the world ) , India is blessed with plenthora of assets and simultaneously has to face certain challenges too.

    #Unity in diversity
    #lengthiest constitution
    #strongest army in the world
    #great source of many natural resources like rubber,jute, copper etc.
    #cordial relationship with neighbouring countries
    #representation of India at global platform being the member State of SAARC, BRICS, BIMS-TEC etc. ( India is the host for recently held 13th summit of BRICS on 09 sept 2021)
    #blessed with majority of young population

    But, there are certain challenges too which India has to combat for surviving in the long run:
    #border disputes
    #imbalanced budget ( growing expenditure and less income)
    #religious conflicts
    #internal security
    #poverty and employment

    So, assets and challenges are a part of same transaction only, but the fact which should be kept in mind is that the overcoming of these challenges would lead India to a great extent of success.


    Modern india stands as one of the most diverse countries in the world. India is biggest democracy in the world blessed with certain assets but has to face certain challenges.
    *India according to population ranks 2 in the world so natural resources can be properly exploited with manpower resources.
    * Natural resources like iron ore, gold, silver, mica, natural gas are found in India.
    *India is one of the few countries blessed with long days and plenty of Sunlight and have a goal to generate 50% renewable resources by 2040 .
    ” THREATS ”
    *the most widely spread endemic in India is corruption.
    *illiteracy Only 74.04 %are consider as literate there is wide variety between rural and urban areas.
    *education system is blamed for not being practical and skill based.

    *poverty 80%of poor lives in village 43%belongs to schedule caste n tribe..
    Overcoming from these problems is not an easy task India need’s to focus on solving it’s biggest problemproblems to become a great nation.

  13. Neha

    भारत एक विकासशील देश है छेत्रफल की दृष्टि से विश्व में सातवाँ स्थान और जनसंख्या की दृष्टि से चीन के बाद दूसरा स्थान रखता है भारत प्रगति के पथ पर प्रतिएक सेक्टोर में कार्य कर रहा है-
    भारत के कुल भोगोलिक छेत्रफल का २०-२१प्रतिशत भाग वनो से ढका है
    भारत में ७११७किलोमेटेर की तटीय छत्र सीमा,३७२७मछुआरे गाँव और १९१४मछली पकड़ने के केन्द्र है
    भारत में नादियाँ ,नहर ,जलाशय व झील हैं इसके अतिरिक्त हिंद महासागर के पूर्वी पश्चिमी तटीय छेटर व बंगाल की खाड़ी व गल्फ़
    भारत में ४प्रकार के ईंधन है११धात्विक ५२ अधात्विक व २२ लघु खनिजो के भंडार है
    जेव्विविधता और घनी वनस्पति
    ऊर्जा के पर्याप्त भंडार
    भारत पहला देश बना जिसनेअपरंपरागत ऊर्जा श्रोतों का मंत्रालय स्थापित किया
    बढ़ती आबादी के कारण संसाधनों की कमी जिन्मे प्रमुख है जल
    आंतरिक अशान्ति
    ग़रीबी अमीरी की बड़ती खायी
    समाज मे बड़ता भ्रष्टाचार अदि
    औध्योगिकारन के करन बाधते प्रदूषण से उत्पन्न परिसिथितिक असंतुलन से सूखा, भुस्खलन अदि जिसका एक प्रमुख उदाहरण उत्तराखंड मे आयी त्रासदी
    भारत का ६० प्रतिशत जल वर्ष २०२५ तक संकट ग्रस्त हो जाएगा
    भारत अपने अपक्षय ऊर्जा श्रोतों का भी सही प्रयोग नही कर पा रहा
    अतः आवश्यक है कि हम जागरुक हो जायँ उन सब प्रकारती द्वारा दिए गए उप हारो के लिए जिनका हम अंधाधुँध दोहन कर रहे है क्योंकि सक्रियता ही विकास के पथ पर चलने के प्रेरित करती है।

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